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About Your Turnow

Your Turn Now" (or "Sua Chance Agora," in literal translation) is the result of the efforts of an entrepreneur originally from Brazil, now based in the Netherlands, who lives and works in the country. Its mission is to continue assisting professionals in securing new job opportunities. With a primary, though not exclusive, focus on Brazilian professionals seeking positions in the European market, Your Turn Now stands out for offering exclusive and personalized services to those aiming to achieve their dream job.

Job hunting can be a challenging task, especially for foreigners seeking opportunities in Europe. The job market is highly competitive, and finding a starting point can be uncertain. In this context, Your Turn Now (YTN) becomes essential.

YTN is a career consulting firm that offers a variety of exclusive services for individuals seeking employment in Europe. What are these services?

Here are some of the main services that can contribute to your professional success:

  1. Assistance with Job Search in Europe
    • YTN provides specialized support to facilitate your search for job opportunities in Europe.
  2. Resume Review
    • Enhance your resume with the expertise of the YTN team, maximizing your chances of standing out to employers.
  3. Cover Letter/Motivation Letter Review
    • Customize your cover letters to convey your motivation and fit for the desired positions.
  4. Interview Preparation
    • Receive guidance and training to excel in interviews, effectively showcasing your skills and experiences.

Your Turn Now is committed to providing personalized services tailored to the specific needs of each client. If you are looking for a career consultant who offers exclusive services for those seeking employment in Europe, Your Turn Now could be the ideal choice for you. Invest in your professional future with the expertise and dedication that our team provides.


Karla Bachiega

Project Management and Engineering

“Morena is just incredible. As a person, she is kind and understanding. As a professional, she excels in everything she does. Every time I needed her expertise I was amazed by the depth of knowledge she has. Any person/company is lucky to have her as a business partner or mentor. Couldn't speak higher than her!”

Carliene Silva

Claims Specialist

“Morena stands out for her ability to identify profiles and skills. After almost 2 years in the Netherlands, I wanted to return to the job market. Then I met Morena, who, with her experience in the recruitment and selection area, helped me translate my CV into English, advised me on writing cover letters, and also prepared me for interviews. I feel grateful and I have no hesitation in recommending Morena for any role in the recruitment and selection world.”

Nayara Fernandes

Direct Export at Philips Medial Systems BV

“My experience with Morena was 100% positive. In addition to being very attentive, she is clear and objective. The whole process went very smoothly and professionally, and I always got quick answers and feedback.”

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