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Top 3 – Tips for CVs

I receive messages every day from Brazilians eager for guidance on how to find an opportunity outside of Brazil. The questions are varied, but many revolve around how to prepare a competitive resume, find a job, and do well in interviews. “How do I get a job in the Netherlands?” is one of the most common questions. Although the hiring process varies from country to country, there are fundamental principles that can increase your chances of success anywhere.

Working in Portugal for Brazilians: Opportunities and Challenges

With Portugal’s growing economy, vibrant culture and high quality of life, Portugal has become an attractive destination for Brazilian professionals looking for new challenges. However, adapting to a new work environment, overcoming language and cultural barriers and mastering complex bureaucratic processes are common challenges faced by expats. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the job market in Portugal, its challenges and the benefits of working in Portugal. Discover how Brazilian professionals can find jobs and grow their careers in a diverse and welcoming environment.

Your European CV: a guide for professionals

Creating a European resume is essential for unlocking a world of job opportunities. In today's competitive job market, it's vital to stand out from the crowd. That's why adapting your resume to the European format, highlighting international experiences, and showcasing relevant skills is crucial. So, contact us today for personalized tips and expert advice on creating a winning European resume that will help you land your dream job!

What can't be missing in a job INTERVIEW

We already know that a job interview is one of the most important moments in the selection process. It is at this stage that the candidate has the opportunity to showcase their skills and experience, as well as to learn more about the company and the position they are applying for. However, to be successful at this stage, you need to prepare very well and pay attention to some crucial aspects.

Job Opportunities in Europe: How Changes in the Dutch Job Market Could Impact Your Search

If you’re looking for a job opportunity in Europe, this is an exciting time, especially in the Netherlands. According to Times NL, recent statistics from CBS (Statistics Netherlands) show that the job market there is undergoing some changes, and this could directly impact your job search. But what exactly is going on and how can you use this information to your advantage?

Exploring New Opportunities Within Your Company: How to Move to a Different Department or Team

Sometimes, it's not the company itself that feels limiting, but rather your current team, the challenges you face, or your manager. If you find yourself craving a new challenge, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to leave your organization. Exploring new opportunities within your company can be a great way to grow your career while staying in a familiar environment.

Unraveling the Secret of the Cover Letter in the Netherlands: Why the Company, You and the Job

When searching for jobs in the Netherlands, you’ve probably come across the need to write a cover letter. But what makes this letter so important, and how can you approach it effectively? Let’s explore the meaning and strategy behind the cover letter in the Netherlands, answering the three fundamental questions: why the company, why you, and why the job?
